Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My Very First Post

Hi!!! I am Lyn and I love soaping and making candles. Do I have enough time in my life for this?............Not really but I am going to make it LOL. My Ironing pile is proof of that!!!!!!.
I have made candles for about 12 yrs and three years ago started soaping.............I was totally hooked with my first batch and haven't looked back. I don't have a look or style that I am aware of I guess I like to experiment with all kinds of looks and colours in my never know what will come from my soaping pot. Here are a few soaps to brighten up this posting :-) hope you enjoy them

This is a rendition of the well known perfume and is just beautiful, I love to use this in the shower after a long walk with the dog!!!!!

This is a lovely Lavender softened with the fragrant notes of Manuka Honey

Hubby gets the thumbs up after showering with this fragrance!!!!!


  1. I like the syle it looks very attractive, it is good, so are the names.

  2. Hi,
    Nice to discover your blog with your pretty soaps.

  3. Oh thanks Artlover I have some lovely Micas to play with have actually taken a fortnights holiday next month and plan on soaping to my hearts content :-)
    Sharon WOW thanks for visiting I am a huge fan of your soap and your comments just leave me with a big smile on my dial LOL
    Hey Soapy Delice nice to meet you thank-you for visiting my blog I hope it will develop into an interesting place to visit :-)

  4. Hi Lyn,
    I am fairly new to soap making, which I absolutely love and whilst surfing the internet for soaps and recipes, I came across your blog.
    I think your soaps are awesome and love what you do with them.

    I am in the UK and we are far behind Australia and the US with soaping, so getting the products can be a little difficult. Your Lavender and Manukua Honey soap I love and would love to be able to get such a rich purple in my soaps. I have only tried to mix soap colours once and that didn't work out very well. I used black oxide. Can you tell me how you managed to get such a deep purple.

    Thanking You x

  5. Hi Julie :0) the colouring I used in this soap is called a 'Pop Mica' and it is the purple they are available from TK trading in the USA
    There is a wonderful English forum called Fresholi have you come across it? They may know if this is available to you in the UK from memory I think it is :-).
    If you a re looking to achieve a nice true black find yourself some activated charcoal, I love this stuff!!!!!

  6. Hi Lyn,

    Thanks for the info, I've had a quick look on Fresholi and don't think they do it. Now I know what to look for I will keep on searching.

    Have been making soap for about 6 mth, so am very new to this. Do you use the cold process method for your soaping and do you put it into the freezer to prevent it from gelling?

    One day I would love to be able to make soap like yours but think I'm a long way off at the moment.

    Thanks again Lyn X
